An Overview of the Extrusion Moulding Process

2 minute read


Extrusion moulding plays a key role in the manufacturing procedure. It produces plastic products with homogeneous cross-sectional characteristics. The extrusion molding process is easy and conveys much information over short distances, so it is commonly used in many industries.


What is Extrusion Molding?


This process involves moulding a hollow tube made of plastic parison. Air inflates the parison to assume a shape that falls in a mould. The parison forms empty packaging items such as bottles and jars. EBM relies on several raw ingredients, such as PETG, HDPE, PP, and Polyvinyl Chloride. These plastics prevent the entry of moisture and oxygen into the product and thus enhance product stability.


Steps in Extrusion Molding


This process starts by melting plastic pellets mixed with stabilizers or colours. Tensile forces are applied to the molten plastic, which is forced through a die. Cooling makes the product rigid and durable for commercial applications. This extrusion mould is often trimmed so the excess can be recycled.


Uses of Extrusion Molding


The moulding company manufactures items such as pipes, tubes, and films. It is used in electrical insulation of wires and cables, medical applications, and automotive fuel systems. Also, extrusion molding produces thin sheets for packaging and protective covers.


Benefits of Extrusion Molding


Extrusion molding has low costs and increased production rates compared to other processes. It is most suitable for large projects with many look and feel specifications. The above method also promotes the recycling of material, making it sustainable.


The Entire Process

A moulding company begins by melting the polymer, mixing it with additives like colour and filler at the melt stage, and then feeding it to an extruder.


Extrusion moulding produces tubes and other long profiles with consistent cross-sections. It employs an extrusion mould to make specific shapes. This process is suitable where elongated, uniform products are required in a building.




In conclusion, extrusion moulding is one of the most flexible and affordable techniques. The process includes subsequent stages; however, it has been improved. So, in the future, if you want to purchase an extrusion mould, contact Acme Drinktec, the premium manufacturer.

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